Fort Leonard Wood is an installment of the United States Army located in the Ozark Mountains in Pulaski County, Missouri. When it was created in December 1940, its original purpose was to train infantry troops, but a year later became the Engineer Replacement Training Center and turned the post into strictly an engineering post. In 1984, most U.S. Army Engineer School’s operations occurred at Fort Leonard Wood, and in 1999, the U.S. Army Chemical Corps and Military Police Corps schools were moved onto Fort Leonard Wood.
Our military defense attorneys are ready to defend the men and women in the armed forces at Fort Leonard Wood. At JAG defense, our team of intelligent, motivated, and determined military lawyers will help you in a majority of military justice matters. If you or a loved one is facing military disciplinary action at Fort Leonard Wood, don’t hesitate to call one of our Fort Leonard Wood military defense attorneys today for a free consultation.