Active USMC Cleared with Conditions from Prior Drug Use and Financial Considerations

MIDDLE ATLANTIC – Active duty USMC E-8 issued Letter of Intent to deny Security Clearance based upon Guideline E (Personal Conduct), Guideline F (Financial Considerations) as result of approximately 20 accounts in collection/arrears/delinquent, totaling over $20,000, and Guideline J (Criminal Conduct) due to violations of UCMJ Articles 86, 91 and 92, investigation as suspect into violation of UCMJ Article 121; prior admission of illegal drug use; and as result of having previously received a favorable security clearance determination, with warning, in 1991 based upon financial irresponsibility. Clearance was then denied by Department of the Navy Central Adjudication Facility ( DONCAF) however, we appealed the decision through a personal appearance before an Administrative Judge, obtained a favorable recommendation by the Judge and granting of the appeal by the Personal Security Appeals Board (PSAB) of DONCAF, reinstating the clearance, with conditions.