The Uniform Code of Military Justice provides a justice system that enables the military to prosecute military personnel regardless of geographic location. Military commanders have the authority to convene courts-martial anywhere in the world. As a result, servicemembers often face court-martial charges while stationed in foreign countries or deployed to combat zones.
Because of this, JAG Defense Military Defense Attorneys travel worldwide to provide experienced representation for our clients, to include military defense in Japan. Unlike many other civilian attorneys who practice military law overseas, however, JAG Defense does not inflate their legal fees simply because their clients are located in foreign countries. At JAG Defense, we believe that foreign assignments/deployments should not not mean that a servicemember is not entitled to the same top legal representation available to military members stationed in the United States. To see the many overseas locations where JAG Defense Attorneys have represented military members, please visit our Worldwide Representation page.
Please explore our website, review our list of Representative Cases and Frequently Asked Questions, and read what former clients have to say about us on our Testimonials page. Once you get a feel for who we are and how we operate, we are confident that you will find that the Military Defense Attorneys at JAG Defense are your best choice for military representation.