Army Officer Cleared of Meth Charge

Army O-3 tested positive on a urinalysis test for methamphetamine.  Upon our advice, she refused nonjudicial punishment and demanded trial by court-martial.  At her subsequent General Court-Martial, JAG Defense attacked the credibility of the urinalysis program, showing numerous errors that occurred on the day of our client’s collection. The member panel deliberated for less than […]

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Category: Positive Urinalysis Success Stories

Poppyseeds Cause Rare Codeine Test Result

A Navy Chief Petty Officer tested positive on random urinalysis test for codeine.  He was taken to Captain’s Mast and found guilty.  Subsequently, he retained the services of JAG Defense to represent him at his discharge board.  During our investigation into the circumstances surrounding the test, JAG Defense discovered that our client consumed multiple poppyseed […]

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Category: Military Success Stories, Positive Urinalysis Success Stories

TSgt Cleared Despite Two Positive Urinalysis Tests

USAF TSgt tested positive for marijuana on a medical drug screen.  Using that test result as the basis for probable cause, his command ordered him to provide another urinalysis sample 3-4 weeks later.  That sample also tested positive for marijuana.  Since the tests were so far apart, they were definitively NOT the result of a […]

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Category: Positive Urinalysis Success Stories

Naval Flight Officer Cleared of Drug Abuse

A Naval Flight Officer tested positive on a two separate urinalysis tests for codeine. Both test results were significantly above the DoD cutoff level. When it became apparent that his test results were not due to the accidental ingestion of actual codeine, we widened our search of possible reasons for the test result. At his […]

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Category: Positive Urinalysis Success Stories

Investigation Uncovers Rampant Problems in Urinalysis Collection Program

Naval Academy Midshipman (and football player) tested positive on a urinalysis test for marijuana. The Naval Academy offered him a plea deal to accept administrative disenrollment/discharge from the Naval Academy with a General discharge characterization. Upon our advice, he refused. The Naval Academy elected to refer his case to a General Court-Martial. During JAG Defense’s […]

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Category: Positive Urinalysis Success Stories

JAG Defense Proves Urinalysis Sample Came From Another Soldier

Army E-8 tested positive on a urinalysis test for amphetamines and benzodiazepines.  He was offered nonjudicial punishment, which he refused pursuant to JAG Defense advice.  His command elected not to pursue a court-martial.  Instead, he was processed for administrative separation and send to a discharge board.  During our investigation into the urinalysis collection, JAG Defense […]

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Category: Positive Urinalysis Success Stories

Navy Sailor Acquitted After Positive Urinalysis for Cocaine and Ecstasy

Navy E-5 tested positive on a unit sweep urinalysis test for cocaine and ecstasy.  His command offered him Captain’s Mast, which he refused and demanded trial by court-martial.  During our investigation into his case, our attorneys discovered significant flaws in the command’s urinalysis collection program.  At his subsequent Special Court-Martial, we were able to show […]

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Category: Positive Urinalysis Success Stories

Navy Healthcare Provider Cleared of Drug Offenses

A Naval Officer and healthcare provider self-enrolled in a rehabilitation program for an increasing dependence on sleep medication.  While enrolled in the program, the officer continued to test positive for the metabolite for the sleep medication, leading her providers to believe that the officer was continuing to abuse the drug.  Further, the officer also tested […]

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Category: Positive Urinalysis Success Stories

TSgt Acquitted After Two Positive Military Urinalysis Tests

Air Force E-6 tested positive for D-Amphetamines on a military urinalysis test.  When he was pulled in for questioning by OSI, he was ordered to provide another urinalysis sample.  This second sample also tested positive for D-Amphetamine.  Based on the nanogram levels and time between urinalysis collections, the two tests were clearly the result of two separate […]

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Category: Positive Urinalysis Success Stories

Innocent Ingestion Defense for Positive Urinalysis

Army E-7 tested positive on random urinalysis for cocaine.  After hiring JAG Defense and following our advice, he refused his Article 15 and demanded trial by court-martial.  During our investigation into the circumstances surrounding his positive urinalysis test, we learned that he had ingested ron caña, a Puerto Rican homemade liquor made from sugarcane, that had […]

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Category: Positive Urinalysis Success Stories