Yes, you can appeal an initial denial or revocation of a security clearance but the process differs for government contractor employees and federal employees.  When a government contractor receives a Statement of Reasons (SOR), s/he may choose to have an Administrative Judge issue a decision based upon the administrative record or request a hearing before an Administrative Judge.  After the government contractor either submits an Answer or submits an Answer/presents his or her case at a hearing, the Administrative Judge issues a written decision whether it is clearly consistent with the national interest to grant or continue a security clearance for the applicant.  If the Administrative Judge finds that it is not consistent, the applicant may appeal the decision by filing a written notice of appeal within fifteen (15) days.  If a timely notice of appeal is filed, the applicant must submit a written appeal brief within forty-five (45) days of the decision.  To be successful, the applicant must show that harmful error occurred.

Federal employees, however, must submit a written response to an SOR.  As of 8 December 2024, military members, federal government civilian employees and contractor personnel whose eligibility for access to Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) is adjudicated by DCSA, may also request a DCSA Adjudication and Vetting Services (AVS) Personal Appearance before a Senior Adjudicator.  If the adjudicators decide to deny or revoke the subject’s eligibility for access to classified information, the subject will have the option to appeal without a personal appearance by providing a written statement within thirty (30) days of receiving the denial or revocation, or appeal with a personal appearance by submitting a Notice of Intent to Appeal within ten (10) days of receiving the denial/revocation.  An Administrative Judge will issue a decision.

Subjects/applicants may reapply for a clearance after one (1) year has passed from the date of the denial/revocation with the command’s/employer’s request and sponsorship.