Navy LT Cleared of 10 Years of Child Abuse Allegations

Our client was a retirement-eligible Navy O-3. Following a contentious divorce, his first ex-wife proceeded to make repeated complaints to Child Protective Services, civilian law enforcement, and NCIS that our client physically, emotionally and sexually abused her and their two children. These complaints were consistently determined to be unfounded, but continued for over 10 years. […]

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Category: Military Success Stories

E-7 Retained Despite ADAPT Failure

An Air Force E-7 self-referred to ADAPT for alcohol abuse and entered treatment. Over the course of almost a year, our client attended multiple detox clinics, in-patient rehabilitation centers, and out-patient treatment programs.  Despite these ADAPT efforts, our client relapsed repeatedly (7x) during his treatment plan and was deemed an “ADAPT treatment failure.” Our client’s […]

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Category: Military Success Stories

Poppyseeds Cause Rare Codeine Test Result

A Navy Chief Petty Officer tested positive on random urinalysis test for codeine.  He was taken to Captain’s Mast and found guilty.  Subsequently, he retained the services of JAG Defense to represent him at his discharge board.  During our investigation into the circumstances surrounding the test, JAG Defense discovered that our client consumed multiple poppyseed […]

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Category: Military Success Stories, Positive Urinalysis Success Stories

TSgt Cleared Despite Two Positive Urinalysis Tests

USAF TSgt tested positive for marijuana on a medical drug screen.  Using that test result as the basis for probable cause, his command ordered him to provide another urinalysis sample 3-4 weeks later.  That sample also tested positive for marijuana.  Since the tests were so far apart, they were definitively NOT the result of a […]

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Category: Positive Urinalysis Success Stories

JAG Defense Proves Urinalysis Sample Came From Another Soldier

Army E-8 tested positive on a urinalysis test for amphetamines and benzodiazepines.  He was offered nonjudicial punishment, which he refused pursuant to JAG Defense advice.  His command elected not to pursue a court-martial.  Instead, he was processed for administrative separation and send to a discharge board.  During our investigation into the urinalysis collection, JAG Defense […]

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Category: Positive Urinalysis Success Stories

Army Officer Cleared of Pornography Charges

Our client was a 20-year officer in the U.S. Army Reserve.  While working in his civilian capacity as a government contractor, he was charged with the possession of pornography on a government computer system.  He was summarily fired from his contractor job and his Army Reserve command initiated administrative discharge proceedings against him.  He hired […]

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Category: Military Success Stories

USMC Gunnery Sergeant Cleared of Positive Urinalysis Test

A decorated Gunnery Sergeant retained JAG Defense after she allegedly tested positive for D-Amphetamines on a random urinalysis test.  During our initial investigation of the case, we uncovered significant issues with our client’s urinalysis sample.  Using the collection program’s own records, we were able to demonstrate that the collection program had mislabeled another Marine’s urinalysis sample with […]

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Category: Positive Urinalysis Success Stories

Navy Lieutenant Cleared of Misconduct, Retained at Board of Inquiry

Our client, a Navy O-3, went TAD to Ghana.  Following the trip, one of his disgruntled Sailors started circulating rumors that our client engaged in repeated sexual activities with Ghanaian foreign nationals, despite the fact that he was married.  These rumors swirled around the command for months before an anonymous tip was made to NCIS […]

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Category: Military Success Stories

Naval Officer Involved in Camel Accident CoverUp – Retained

A group of officers and enlisted members went on liberty in Djbouti, Africa.  While on liberty, they purchased and consumed alcohol (with the exception of the driver).  On the way back to their base, they struck a camel, severely damaging their GOV.  In the ensuing investigation, a number of the members made false, conflicting statements […]

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Category: Military Success Stories

Coast Guard O-4 Retained After 2nd Alcohol Incident

Following an extremely successful command tour, a disgruntled subordinate initiated an EEO investigation against our client.  While the EEO claims were ultimately determined to be unsubstantiated, the investigation uncovered evidence that our client became excessively intoxicated during a junior officer’s “wetting down,” groped/fondled females at the bar, and led to his removal from the bar, urinating […]

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Category: Military Success Stories