What is a Supplemental Information Request (SIR)?

Imagine potentially derogatory information has been identified that may have a bearing on your eligibility for access to classified information. Perhaps it is self-reported information or maybe it was discovered as part of the automated continuous evaluation background checks.  This information may result in an Incident Report that DCSA CAS or another Agency Adjudicator uses […]

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Category: JAG Defense Blog

What are the new UCMJ Sentencing Guidelines?

Rule for Courts-Martial (RCM) 1002 establishes the military justice system’s new sentencing procedures. With the exception of death penalty cases, the military justice system has transitioned to judge-alone sentencing. That is, members will still determine the findings of the court-martial (guilty or not guilty), but the military judge will determine the sentence following the appropriate […]

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Category: JAG Defense Blog

What Are “Covered Offenses” Under the UCMJ?

Starting on December 28, 2023, military commanders are required to report all allegations of “covered” offenses to the Office of the Special Trial Counsel. The OSTC holds exclusive authority to determine whether a reported offense falls under the category of covered offenses. Additionally, the OSTC may also exercise its authority over related offenses, offenses alleged […]

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Category: JAG Defense Blog

Office of the Special Trial Counsel

On 27 December 2023, each branch of the military officially stood up their Office of the Special Trial Counsel (OSTC). These offices are made up of specially trained JAGs with exclusive authority over “covered” offenses.  Covered offenses are primarily personal violence offenses specifically including sexual assault. The OSTC for each service is responsible for prosecuting […]

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Category: Firm News, JAG Defense Blog