A Navy JAG was issued a Professional Responsibility Complaint alleging approximately 92 different violations of ethical standards and proposing decertification of the client as a Judge Advocate. Client was serving as the Trial Counsel in a complex, high-visibility case. After the Convening Authority approved a Pretrial Agreement – the terms of which our client strongly and vocally opposed – a public outcry resulted. As a result of the public outcry, a JAG Manual investigation was initiated. The Attorneys at JAG Defense worked with the client to fight the allegations, ultimately submitting a 58-page summary of the case proceedings, a 30-page detailed point-by-point rebuttal, a 19-page response to additional information, and hundreds of supporting documents to the Rules Counsel challenging the allegations levied against the client. After a review of the response, the Rules Counsel issued a written decision concluding that insufficient evidence existed to support the allegations against the client to warrant further processing, concluding with only a written counseling, and a determination that no further action be taken against our client.