E-8 Has Significant Financial Debt But Retains Clearance

SOUTH: SNCO/E-8 issued Letter of Intent (LOI)/Statement of Reasons (SOR) for Financial Considerations concerning State tax lien for unpaid taxes for several years; Child support in arrears placed in collection for over $30,000 as the result of not making full support payments over a period of approximately 7 years; and additional past due debt not being paid. After presentation of information in his response to the Central Adjudication Facility (CAF) of the client’s diligent efforts to meet financial obligations, superior personal and professional performance and conduct demonstrating a pattern of reliability, trustworthiness and ability to protect classified information, the CAF found Conditionally FOR THE APPLICANT without the necessity of a Personal Appearance before an Administrative Judge. The client need only continue to demonstrate responsible steps in paying off the debts in arrears through quarterly financial status reports to the command.