Navy Civilian Employee Innocently Ingested Cocaine Via Organic Tea

MIDDLE ATLANTIC – Navy civilian employee, who was also a Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Army Reserve, tested positive for cocaine on a random urinalysis test raising adjudicative concerns under Guideline H – Drug Involvement. He was administratively suspended from his position with the Navy, and the Army initiated administrative discharge processing. After retaining the lawyers at JAG Defense, we identified a potential source of the cocaine – our client had purchased and consumed Delisse Organic Tea at a health food store in California. This tea was legally available and contained no warnings regarding the possible presence of cocaine. We arranged to have the tea forensically tested, which revealed the presence of cocaine. Our lawyers put together a comprehensive package detailing the presence of cocaine in the tea, eyewitness statements surrounding our client’s innocent purchase and ingestion of the tea, and detailed scientific proof that established that our client’s nanogram levels were consistent with his unknowing use of the tea. The Department of the Navy Central Adjudication Facility granted the client’s clearance without the client having to go through a Personal Appearance. Further, the Army terminated all administrative discharge processing based on our client’s innocent ingestion of cocaine.