Response to SOR Demonstrated Distortion of Allegations

NORTHWEST:  Applicant military officer issued Letter of Intent (LOI)/Statement of Reasons (SOR) for allegations under Adjudicative Guideline E – Personal Conduct for having been titled with Violation UCMJ Article 92 failure to obey a general order for the loss off sensitive information under his care; repeatedly violating user agreements over the course of two years by installing file sharing software, address spoofing software, installing other unauthorized hardware to his government computer, and installing software which permitted other applications to operate in a mobile capacity.  Computer access was temporarily suspended  for those violations and four years later additional adverse administrative actions resulted from additional actions by client, resulting in Field Grade Letter of Reprimand for unauthorized use of DoD computers.  Later counseling documented a total of four violations of service regulations related to information management, assurance and acceptable use policies, with a later General Officer Letter of Reprimand being issued.  After submission of written response to SOR the service adjudication office granted the clearance without the necessity of a Personal Appearance.