Security Clearance Granted Despite Dishonorable Discharge for Illegal Drug Involvement

GUIDELINE H: Drug Involvement and Substance Misuse Pacific Northwest:  Prior Army Enlisted was dishonorably discharged over thirty years ago for wrongful use and distribution of ecstasy and LSD.  Received job offer for a contracting position contingent upon being found eligible for a Secret level clearance.  JAG Defense assisted with disclosures on the SF-86 and successfully […]

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Category: Security Clearance Success Stories

Security Clearance Retained Despite Repeated Drug Use

GUIDELINE H: Drug Involvement and Substance Misuse Mid-Atlantic:  Government Contractor applying for a first-time Secret level clearance received a Statement of Reasons (SOR) alleging marijuana purchase and use at varying frequencies over the prior five (5) years.  Marijuana was only legalized in the contractor’s state of residence during the last year of use, but remains […]

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Category: Security Clearance Success Stories

Clearance Granted Despite Prior Drug Use

West Coast: Federal Employee received Statement of Reasons (SOR) alleging prior illegal drug use.  JAG Defense successfully mitigated concerns with properly disclosed illegal drug use prior to applying as a first-time clearance holder.  Clearance granted.

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Category: Security Clearance Success Stories

4 Guidelines Alleged in SOR, Clearance Retained

Mid-Atlantic: Army Reservist received Statement of Reasons (SOR) alleging underage drinking, driving under the influence, illegal drug possession and carrying another’s CAC card while active duty.  JAG Defense assisted with SOR Response and successfully mitigated concerns with incidents that had occurred years prior.  Clearance retained.

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Category: Security Clearance Success Stories

Clearance Retained Despite Admitted Drug Use

Midwest: Government Contractor received Statement of Reasons (SOR) alleging illegal drug use while possessing a security clearance.  Client opted to submit a response in lieu of requesting a hearing before an Administrative Judge.  JAG Defense mitigated concerns adjudicators had with prior drug use while possessing a clearance and successfully had the SOR withdrawn.  Clearance retained.

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Category: Security Clearance Success Stories

White House Appointee Granted Clearance

Mid-Atlantic: Political Appointee for position requiring a security clearance within the Executive Office of the President was provided guidance that all past illegal drug use must be disclosed on the SF-86 instead of illegal drug use simply going back seven (7) years.  JAG Defense successfully assisted client make the required disclosures while mitigating any potential […]

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Category: Security Clearance Success Stories

Drug Use While Holding a Clearance

WEST:  Department of Energy contractor received Summary of Security Concerns regarding self-disclosed drug usage while holding a clearance.  JAG Defense assisted client in preparing a response and representing contractor at a hearing where concerns regarding experimental drug use in a state with legalized marijuana were mitigated.  Security Clearance retained.

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Category: Security Clearance Success Stories

Drug Use While Holding a Clearance

MIDATLANTIC:  Marine Corps E-4 received Statement of Reasons after disclosing one-time prior drug use on an SF-86.  We assisted the Corporal to demonstrate that this drug use was a singular lapse in judgement that was self-disclosed, and successfully mitigate adjudicator’s concerns that this drug use was a security concern.  Secret clearance retained.

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Category: Security Clearance Success Stories

Extensive Prior Drug Use

WEST COAST: Client received a job offer from DoD contingent upon the granting on a security clearance.  Disclosure of prior drug use on SF-86 resulted in the receipt of a Statement of Reasons.  We successfully assisted client with his Response to mitigate concerns related to involvement with an illegal substance.  Secret Clearance granted.

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Category: Security Clearance Success Stories

Failure to Disclose Drugs and Debt

MIDATLANTIC:  Civil servant was granted Secret clearance after retaining JAG Defense to assist with the completion of an SF-86.  We successfully mitigated potential concerns relating to the disclosure of significant prior drug use and debt turned over to collection agency. 

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Category: Security Clearance Success Stories