Navy Civilian Employee Cleared From Relationship with Foreign Officer

WASHINGTON, DC – Department of the Navy civilian employee was issued Letter of Intent (LOI)/Statement of Reasons (SOR) to revoke eligibility for security clearance and assignment to a sensitive position, under Adjudicative Guideline: B – Foreign Influence, E – Personal Conduct, and K – Handling Protected Information due to Post-Test (polygraph) interview with the FBI as result of developing a personal relationship with a foreign military officer and, over a one-year period assisting the foreign officer’s family, social interactions, probable discussions about military operations, logistical, transportation, engineering capabilities, debarkation and time movement nodes, US chemical and biological capabilities, and military units reporting responsibilities per operations plans; other foreign contacts and failure to disclose those other foreign contacts. After presentation of a substantial response, DON CAF GRANTED THE CLEARANCE and favorable suitability determination.