Representative Cases

With decades of military law experience in all branches of the Armed Forces, the attorneys at JAG Defense have compiled a staggering record of successes both in and out of the courtroom. Please review our Representative Cases for a sampling of the outstanding results we have been able to obtain for our clients facing a broad range of allegations. In doing so, however, please remember that all cases are unique. Simply because a particular result was obtained in one case does not guarantee or predict a similar result in future cases.

Military Success Stories
Security Clearance Success Stories
Positive Urinalysis Success Stories

February 2011

USN E-7 Court-Martial, NS Norfolk, VA
Client faced 20 charges of unlawful wearing of awards and decorations, altering service record, and false official statements.

Result: No conviction, no jail time, no discharge, and no reduction in rank. Client Honorably retired as Chief Petty Officer (E-7).

January 2011

Army O-3, Fort McPherson, GA

Result: Negotiated Honorable characterization of service for Officer who admitted to engaging in adulterous relationships while deployed to Iraq.

December 2010

Navy E-6 received DFAS notice that he owed $11,649.77 in back pay.

Result: JAG Defense put together a comprehensive response package contesting our client’s alleged debt and convinced DFAS not only that alleged debt was erroneous, but that DFAS actually owed our client $6,594.75.

November 2010

Applicant facing revocation of security clearance due to felony prosecution for Aggravated Battery and Grand Theft, civil lawsuit for unpaid child support, and a DUI.

Result: JAG Defense successfully mitigated issues within 2 days of being retained and secured clearance before LOI/SOR was even issued.

October 2010

Government Employee retained JAG Defense to assist with obtaining Security Clearance despite significant financial debt, foreign influence, and psychological issues.

Result: SF86 entries and OPM Interview preparation sufficiently mitigated all concerns. Security clearance granted without receiving Letter of Intent.

September 2010

USMC E-3 Court-Martial, Marine Corps Base, Hawaii

Result: Full Acquittal

July 2010

Army E-6 Court-Martial, Fort Irwin, CA

Result: Full Acquittal

June 2010

Defense Contractor issued Statement of Reasons (SOR) for Guideline F – Financial Considerations (18 unpaid debts) and Guideline E – Personal Conduct for failing to disclose debts on SF86.

Result: SOR response sufficiently mitigated all concerns and security clearance was granted without having to go through a Hearing.

May 2010

Naval Officer Board of Inquiry, NS Norfolk, VA

Result: Officer Retained in Naval Service.

April 2010

Administrative Separation Board, NS Norfolk, VA

Result: 18½ year Sailor found to have committed No Misconduct and Retained in Navy.