Navy E-9 Retires as a Master Chief Despite Unprofessional Relationship

A Navy Master Chief with over 26 years of military service was charged with an unprofessional relationship, sexual harassment, disrespect to a commissioned officer and wrongfully soliciting a subordinate Sailor for sexual intercourse. His command referred his case to a court-martial and our client was facing the possibility of a criminal record, confinement, and the […]

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Category: Military Success Stories

Client Able to Retire from Army without Punitive Discharge

Army E-7 with 23 years of service was charged with entitlement fraud spanning two years in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. After a partial acquittal, the Government argued for two years confinement and a Bad Conduct Discharge. The sentence adjudged did not include any jail time or a punitive discharge. RESULT: Our client was […]

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Category: Military Success Stories

Air Force E-4 Acquitted of Theft Charges

Air Force E-4 was charged with four specifications of theft of Government property, primarily building materials and tools worth thousands of dollars. In a trial by general court-martial, the accused was acquitted of all thefts, with the exception of three small items. The conviction was ultimately set aside and an Article 15 action substituted, thus […]

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Category: Military Success Stories

Charges Dismissed After Cross-Examination of Customs Agents

Air Force E-3 was charged with the possession of child pornography on his computer. At his Article 32 hearing, our aggressive cross-examination of the OSI and Customs Agents demonstrated that both agencies engaged in an illegal search rather than a legal “inspection” as the government claimed. Result: The charges against our client were WITHDRAWN AND […]

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Category: Military Success Stories

Dentist Able to Resign from Navy and Continue to Practice as Civilian

A Navy dentist was charged with drug distribution after she improperly prescribed medication to enlisted personnel in her work center. After retaining our services, we were able to secure a resolution to these charges that allowed her to maintain her license to practice dentistry and did not result in a criminal conviction. Instead, our client […]

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Category: Military Success Stories

Honorable Retirement for Coast Guard E-6 Charged with Larceny of Military Property

Coast Guard E-6 with over 20 years of military service was charged with 13 different specifications, including allegations of the theft of 29 different items from the Coast Guard. After an exhaustive investigation and extensive negotiations with the Coast Guard, we secured a pre-trial agreement wherein the government DISMISSED WITH PREJUDICE 8 of the charges, […]

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Category: Military Success Stories

Charges Dropped for Navy E-5 Charged with Aggravated Assault

Navy E-5 was charged with attacking 4 security personnel during an interrogation. At the time he retained our services, our client’s command had referred his case to a Special Court-Martial, where he faced up to a year in jail, a federal criminal record, and a punitive discharge. After extensive negotiations with his command, we were […]

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Category: Military Success Stories

Officer Member Panel Finds Air Force E-7 Not Guilty of All Sexual Assault Charges

Air Force E-7 was charged in 2004 with raping an Army E-3 while both were TDY to Germany. Due to our representation at his General Court-Martial, he was found NOT GUILTY of the charge against him (additional details below). In 2007, the same client was charged with indecently assaulting and attempting to commit forcible sodomy […]

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Category: Military Success Stories

Navy E-7 Retained with a 3-0 Board Vote of No Misconduct

A retirement-eligible Navy Chief allegedly made a racist comment to a subordinate Sailor. As a result, her command attempted to discharge her, which would have likely resulted in the loss of her retirement. At her discharge board, we presented evidence that the alleged “victim” of the racist comment had a history of filing baseless EO […]

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Category: Military Success Stories

Sexual Assault Charges Withdrawn and Dismissed for Air Force Doctor

An Air Force doctor was charged with sexually assaulting 6 female patients during medical appointments. We highlighted numerous problems in the government’s case, and successfully convinced the command to WITHDRAW AND DISMISS all sexual assault charges. Instead, our client pleaded guilty only to an orders violation for failing to wear gloves and have a chaperone […]

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Category: Military Success Stories