Air Force E-6 Retained After Testing Positive for Marijuana

Air Force E-6 with over 18 years of service was admitted to a civilian hospital. During her hospital stay, she allegedly tested positive for marijuana. Her command issued her a Letter of Reprimand (LOR), established an Unfavorable Information File (UIF), and initiated a separation action against her. Without even needing a board hearing, we were […]

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Category: Military Success Stories, Positive Urinalysis Success Stories

Army O-4 Retained After Repeated Alcohol-Related Incidents

An Army Major with 15 years of active duty service engaged in repeated alcohol-related incidents over the course of 3 years. These incidents included allegations of passing out in an airport while TDY, verbally abusing a subordinate over the telephone, falling down stairs and injuring himself while TDY, and failing to report to the start […]

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Category: Military Success Stories

Air Force O-4 Acquitted of Sexual Offense Charges

Air Force O-4 was charged with Indecent Acts with a Child, Conduct Unbecoming an Officer by engaging in sexual advances toward female subordinates, a variety of assaults and battery on junior enlisted personnel, and drunk and disorderly conduct. He pled guilty to Assault on a Child under Sixteen, several of the Assaults, and Conduct Prejudicial […]

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Category: Military Success Stories

Navy E-6 Charged with Spousal Abuse Receives Honorable Discharge from the U.S. Navy

Navy E-6 was court-martialed for severely beating his first wife in 2006 and his second wife in 2007. Based upon the charges, our client was facing up to 30 years of confinement and a Dishonorable Discharge. In addition to securing a favorable pre-trial agreement, we were also able to convince our client’s command to release […]

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Category: Military Success Stories

Coast Guard O-4 Retained After Numerous UCMJ Violations

Coast Guard O-4 was competitively selected to attend a 2-year graduate degree program at a civilian university, fully funded by the Coast Guard. After less than a semester, our Client stopped attending all classes. His failure to attend class continued through the entire Spring semester before he was disenrolled from the program due to his […]

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Category: Military Success Stories

Air Force E-5 Acquitted of Larceny Charges

Air Force E-5 performed two successive “Do It Yourself” (DITY) shipments during PCS moves from Hawaii to Florida and Florida to Alabama. In an effort to weigh down her shipment to obtain more money from the government, our client purchased and shipped over 7000 pounds of cat litter. Shortly after arriving in Alabama, our client […]

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Category: Military Success Stories

Navy E-5 Retained Despite Admitted Drug Possession On Board His Ship

Navy E-5 was discovered in possession of 2 different types of steroids on board a deployed ship, and subsequently admitted to his drug possession. Pursuant to the Navy’s “Zero Tolerance” policy, his command sent his case to an administrative separation board, where he faced the possibility of being discharged with a characterization of Other Than […]

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Category: Military Success Stories

Volatile Situation Involving Senior Officer Resolved Administratively

Army O-4 was investigated for disrespect, insubordination, and false imprisonment of a senior officer. The allegations stemmed from an extremely heated argument with his superior officer. The command was initially considering an Article 15 or court-martial, a referral OER, and had cancelled our client’s upcoming PCS and XO assignment. Upon retention, we assisted our client […]

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Category: Military Success Stories

Navy E-4 Charged with Statutory Rape, Avoids Sex Offender Registration and Jail Time

Navy E-4 engaged in a 9-month sexual relationship with a 14-year old girl. This relationship included the girl taking numerous nude pictures of herself and sending them to our client, which constituted the possession of child pornography. Our client was charged with carnal knowledge, possession of child pornography, and sodomy with/on a child under the […]

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Category: Military Success Stories

Board of Inquiry Voted 3-0 to Retain Navy O-2E Despite Pattern of Sexual Harassment

Navy O-2E engaged in a pattern of inappropriate behavior with subordinate female Sailors. This behavior included telling numerous females, both orally and by email, that they “looked hot,” and suggesting to another that the command should install a stripper pole in the work station for her to dance on. Client was counseled informally by a […]

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Category: Military Success Stories