Navy E-7 Charged with Child Molestation, No Misconduct Finding by Discharge Board

Prior to our involvement and based upon the erroneous advice of a Navy JAG, a Navy Chief with over 17 years of military service entered into a pre-trial diversion agreement (PDA) to resolve civilian charges that he sexually molested a 12-year old girl. Unknown to our client, this PDA qualified as a “Civilian Conviction” under […]

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Category: Military Success Stories

Navy E-9 Retires as a Master Chief Despite Unprofessional Relationship

A Navy Master Chief with over 26 years of military service was charged with an unprofessional relationship, sexual harassment, disrespect to a commissioned officer and wrongfully soliciting a subordinate Sailor for sexual intercourse. His command referred his case to a court-martial and our client was facing the possibility of a criminal record, confinement, and the […]

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Category: Military Success Stories

Officer Member Panel Finds Air Force E-7 Not Guilty of All Sexual Assault Charges

Air Force E-7 was charged in 2004 with raping an Army E-3 while both were TDY to Germany. Due to our representation at his General Court-Martial, he was found NOT GUILTY of the charge against him (additional details below). In 2007, the same client was charged with indecently assaulting and attempting to commit forcible sodomy […]

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Category: Military Success Stories

Sexual Assault Charges Withdrawn and Dismissed for Air Force Doctor

An Air Force doctor was charged with sexually assaulting 6 female patients during medical appointments. We highlighted numerous problems in the government’s case, and successfully convinced the command to WITHDRAW AND DISMISS all sexual assault charges. Instead, our client pleaded guilty only to an orders violation for failing to wear gloves and have a chaperone […]

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Category: Military Success Stories

Air Force O-4 Acquitted of Sexual Offense Charges

Air Force O-4 was charged with Indecent Acts with a Child, Conduct Unbecoming an Officer by engaging in sexual advances toward female subordinates, a variety of assaults and battery on junior enlisted personnel, and drunk and disorderly conduct. He pled guilty to Assault on a Child under Sixteen, several of the Assaults, and Conduct Prejudicial […]

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Category: Military Success Stories

Navy E-4 Charged with Statutory Rape, Avoids Sex Offender Registration and Jail Time

Navy E-4 engaged in a 9-month sexual relationship with a 14-year old girl. This relationship included the girl taking numerous nude pictures of herself and sending them to our client, which constituted the possession of child pornography. Our client was charged with carnal knowledge, possession of child pornography, and sodomy with/on a child under the […]

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Category: Military Success Stories

Homosexual Sexual Assault Charges Withdrawn and Dismissed for Coast Guard E-6

Coast Guard E-6 was charged with homosexually assaulting and stalking 2 subordinate petty officers on numerous occasions. He was also charged with breaking into one of the petty officer’s homes and assaulting him. While that investigation was pending, our client engaged in separate misconduct, to include shoving and cursing a warrant officer and punching another […]

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Category: Military Success Stories

Navy E-7 Successfully Defended by JAG Defense in Aggravated Sexual Assault Trial

Navy E-7 was charged with Aggravated Sexual Assault and Fraternization following a night of partying with his female Division Officer and other junior Sailors. His Division Officer alleged that he sexually assaulted her while she was substantially incapacitated due to intoxication. The government secured the services of a forensic psychiatrist who assessed the alleged victim […]

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Category: Military Success Stories